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ㄨㄢ ˊ



玩 is an 8 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as wán in the second tone, however it can also be pronounced as wàn.

In traditional Chinese the character may be used.

It is made up of the components (king) and (dollar).

  • ㄨㄢ ˊ



    • ㄨㄤ ˊ



    • ㄩㄢ ˊ



7 stories have been written about this character — see all
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The king liked to toy with the villagers dollars.
by CLTCKayla

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My favorite toy to play with is a king that I bought for a dollar.
by CLTCpaije

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the king had a dollar to buy a toy
by rayanhassan8B

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I need a dollar a dollar, a dollar, a dollar is what I need, hey hey to buy the newborn king a toy.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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Vua là người có nhiều "tiền đô-la" để chơi bời. The king is the one who has a lot of dollars to play (sth)/to buy toys for himself...
by drbutterfree

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We found 2 pronunciations for 玩


Definitions for 玩 pronounced as wán

  • to play
  • to have fun
  • to trifle with
  • toy
  • sth used for amusement
  • curio or antique (Taiwan pr. [wan4])
  • to keep sth for entertainment
  • variant of 玩[wan2]
  • Taiwan pr. [wan4]

Definitions for 玩 pronounced as wàn


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