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ㄌㄚ ˋ


辣 is a 14 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the fourth tone.

In traditional Chinese the character may be used.

It is made up of the components (pungent) and (bundle).

  • ㄌㄚ ˋ


    • ㄒㄧㄣ



    • ㄕㄨ ˋ



4 stories have been written about this character — see all
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Ten standing next to a bundle, must be spicy!
by huangying

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Bundles of bitters taste spicy
by dosemobor915

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pungent sheeps with wood in their mouths
by jena

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I choke down a bundle of pungent and spicy peppers. I like spicy food a [lo]t!
by vms5q

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We found 1 pronunciation for 辣

Definitions for 辣 pronounced as là

  • old variant of 辣[la4]
  • hot (spicy)
  • pungent


The most common words for 辣 — see all

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Collections which contain 辣 — see all

Book 3 part 1

by Junon 196 characters

Lição 12

by Chihyu1008 28 characters

读写 - Lesson 2

by Alex 81 characters

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