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Found 11 stories for 醒
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The star has awaken us to drink wine
by King

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Wine puts to sleep, stars blind our eyes, but together they can wake us up.
by KittyL2

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When you awaken to the falling stars, you have to drink some wine to stay awake
by blackninja

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when the stars come up the wine wakes you up!!!!!
by DarudeSandstrom

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Wine awakens the star in us.
by aeforton0614

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The star awakens with a drop of wine.
by nchundley0309

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When you awaken to watch the falling stars, you have to drink some wine to stay awake.
by PurpleWaterBottle

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Anne drinks WINE and falls asleep. She <awaken>s to astoni[shing]ly bright STARs.
by vms5q

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To WAKE UP like a rockSTAR, drink WINE first thing in the morning.
by Veles

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1st the wine, 2nd the stars under which it makes you sleep, until 3rd you wake up
by Josmiben

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the stars are having a wine party so they are all wide awake.
by sophiehong8

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Anne drinks WINE and falls asleep. She <awaken>s to astoni[shing]ly bright STARs.
by vms5q

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To WAKE UP like a rockSTAR, drink WINE first thing in the morning.
by Veles

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1st the wine, 2nd the stars under which it makes you sleep, until 3rd you wake up
by Josmiben

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the stars are having a wine party so they are all wide awake.
by sophiehong8

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The star has awaken us to drink wine
by King

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Wine puts to sleep, stars blind our eyes, but together they can wake us up.
by KittyL2

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When you awaken to the falling stars, you have to drink some wine to stay awake
by blackninja

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when the stars come up the wine wakes you up!!!!!
by DarudeSandstrom

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Wine awakens the star in us.
by aeforton0614

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The star awakens with a drop of wine.
by nchundley0309

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When you awaken to watch the falling stars, you have to drink some wine to stay awake.
by PurpleWaterBottle