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ㄈㄚ ˋ


髮 is a 15 stroke, traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the fourth tone, however it can also be pronounced as .

In simplified Chinese the character is used.

It is made up of the components (long hair) and (to pull up).

  • ㄈㄚ ˋ


    • ㄅㄧㄠ


      long hair

    • ㄅㄚ ˊ

      to pull up

1 story has been written about this character — see all
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I want to run [fa]r, but it's windy, and my hair's down. My mom pulls it back. (Running person's hair blowing in wind / person doing someone's hair)
by vms5q

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We found 2 pronunciations for 髮

Definitions for 髮 pronounced as fà

  • hair
  • Taiwan pr. [fa3]

Definitions for 髮 pronounced as fǎ


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