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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 85 – 96 of 1182 stories next page

越 exceed

Megan's philosophy is, <THE MORE> she WALKs this path, <THE MORE> likely she is to SUCCEED at it. Familiar to [you, eh]?
by vms5q

嘟 toot

At the green light, Laura stops her car and OPENs the hood. ALL the other drivers <toot> their horns and yell, "What are you [do]ing?"
by vms5q

棄 reject

John lifts the LID, sees the FRUIT inside, and <reject>s it. He keeps private about the reason - it once gave him an it[chy] rash.
by vms5q

劍 sword

"When ed[gy n'] HUNGRY PEOPLE GATHER, KNIVES sharp as <sword>s, better not to be their lords." Megan tells her students.
by vms5q

憤 anger

She says I'm no [fun]. I want to throw TEN SHELLs in the GRASS, until John reminds me it's not true. The <anger> in my HEART dissipates.
by vms5q

傷 injury

When two PERSONs, in a ru[sh, on g]ravel collide, it's EASY for someone to be <INJURE>d. It's no surprise Laura and Dave got hurt.
by vms5q