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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 73 – 84 of 1182 stories next page

另 other

Megan sees POWER punches to the MOUTH as violence a[ling] our culture, <SEPARATE>ing us from one an<other>.
by vms5q

採 to pick

Using i[ts eye]s and CLAWs, the owl swoops *down*, <pick>s an apple from the TREE, and swoops *up* again, explains Layla.
by vms5q

諸 various

Making the other PERSON feel their WORDS are heeded is one of <various> ways you can care for them, said the [Jew]ish rabbi to Laura and Dave.
by vms5q

戴 put on

John, realizing his SPEAR holder was broken and not wanting to [die] while roaming the EARTH, <put on> a DIFFERENT one.
by vms5q

結 knot

Charlie's professor of anthropolo[gy e]xplains that they believed it was LUCKY to gather together to <TIE> the SILK net's <knot>s.
by vms5q

總 chief

Jacob, a fire <chief>, pulls a SILK HEART-shaped pillow from the CHIMNEY. It belongs to the la[d's own g]irlfriend.
by vms5q

保 protect

Anne said, "You may think he's BLANK AND UNINTELLIGENT, but he's a PERSON. We'll <protect> him like he's our own "baobao" (precious treasure)."
by vms5q

儲 store

The PERSON <store>s model [choo] [choo] trains in VARIOUS conditions. Zack scoops up one that has a broken transmission.
by vms5q

倉 barn

"When a <STOREHOUSE> is OPENed, the smell of grain may fill a PERSON's NOSE - tha[t's on g]ood days!" says Laura.
by vms5q