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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 61 – 72 of 1182 stories next page

撐 brace

As a dentist, you'll tea[ch ung]ainly teens to use their HANDs to <PUSH> a SMALL retainer onto their TEETH so it COVERs them, Laura explains.
by vms5q

途 route

Charlie had heard that, WALKing the <route> [to] enlightenment, we should avoid having [too] much or a SURPLUS of any one good thing.
by vms5q

沖 flush/rush

Laura and Dave insist, not only the ri[ch own g]ood toilets that<FLUSH> <RUSH>ing WATER over your bum - MIDDLE class people can afford them.
by vms5q

角 angle

['Ju ai]m to <COMPETE> for the <ROLE> of the castaway, Layla? In the audition, USE an <angle>d rock as a KNIFE - a good strate[gy ou]t in the wild.
by vms5q

宛 Crooked

The ROOF looks <Crooked>, <AS IF> it might cave in. Anne KNEELs in the attic, [wan]ting to FIX it before DUSK.
by vms5q

雪 snow

Layla sticks her NOSE out the door and then reaches for her [shoe, e]ver so excited to go out in the <snow>.
by vms5q

仗 weaponry

Megan, a font of knowle[dge on g]ood <weaponry>, told us a PERSON could pour scalding water from this TEN FOOT tower.
by vms5q