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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1045 – 1056 of 1182 stories next page

乞 beg

“You are the second 乙 person 𠂉 to beg me for this [chee]secake recipe today,” I say, reaching down into the recipe box and pulling up the recipe.
by vms5q

飠 food

In the private room where we've gathered, the scent of the food wafts up into our noses. It [shi] smells delicious!
by vms5q

舟 boat

Moana crafts a boat from logs and rope for sailing across the water. She's not your average Joe-anna!
by vms5q

殳 lance

The page asked, “How many lances for the trip to Camelot?” “Ask again and find yourself lying on the ground! Now shoo!” barked the moody Sir lancelot.
by vms5q

鳥 bird

See that duckling bobbing down and up on the water? That bird bit my [knee! Ow!] (resembles duckling swimming - feather atop head, beak facing right).
by vms5q

弓 bow

Does the bigwi[g own g]reat houses on that zigzagging street? Probably. When he sees something he wants, he raises his bow (horizontally) and aims.
by vms5q

古 ancient

Scooping “ten 十-mushroom” soup in my mouth 口, I love its bi[g u]mami flavor. I’m glad this ancient recipe survived - we still have it to savor!
by vms5q