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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1069 – 1080 of 1182 stories next page

Have you s[een] the big cave person enclosed [prostrate] in a block of ice? What do you suppose was the cause?
by vms5q

點 dot

With her little black dot of a nose, the skunk scoops out a sha[dy ‘n] cool burrow to occupy.
by vms5q

拍 pat

The director's white-gloved hand pats me on the back and hands me [pie]. After the break, we shoot another scene.
by vms5q

樹 tree

The scholar plants ten beans an inch down in dirt, and the next day, a big redwood tree's standing there? Shoot! That's amazing!
by vms5q

因 cause

Have you s[een] the big cave person frozen [prostrate] in a block of ice? What do you suppose was the cause?
by vms5q

比 compare

Place spoons A and B down near each other. Now compare them by scooping up the one that's more angular. That's right! [B!]
by vms5q