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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1081 – 1092 of 1182 stories next page

兀 lame

My one 一 son 儿 fell down and is now lame, but he’s very capable. And he’s the only person around here who knows ho[w oo]long is made.
by vms5q

時 time

When the sun 日 rises on the temple 寺, it’s time to get up and pray. I feel peer pressure as everyone begins their day.
by vms5q

先 first

He lays his mother’s will across the table and reads that [she ‘n] his father have left him, their first son 儿, their prized cow ⺧.
by vms5q

夂 march

On the catwalk, Carrie marches with confidence, modeling a [jer]sey. When she falls down, she gets up again.
by vms5q

罔 deceive

The dispensary clerk, not s[o on g]uard, scoops up medicinal weed for my aunt, who's deceased. It was easy to deceive him.
by vms5q

朋 companion

Together the companions create homes[pun g]oods and put them up for sale. It took two moons 月月 for them to weave this rug.
by vms5q

紅 red

Dyeing silk red, I look up from my work and explain, "It takes years to [hone g]ood dyeing skills."
by vms5q