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ㄋㄧ ˇ


你 is a 7 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the third tone.

It is made up of the components (person) and (you).

  • ㄋㄧ ˇ


    • ㄖㄣ ˊ



    • ˇ



10 stories have been written about this character — see all
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you are a person
by pnlove99

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Bạn là người sống chung mái nhà từ nhỏ
by huiheruan

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Bạn là 1 người quàng khăn sống chung từ nhỏ
by manhhakcqt

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If you are a nice pěrson, you will give monǐ to childrén
by Casper07x

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ban-la nguoi song cung 1 mai nha,tu nho
by nguyenthetrung

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We found 1 pronunciation for 你

Definitions for 你 pronounced as nǐ

  • you (informal, as opposed to courteous 您[nin2])


The most common words for 你 — see all

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