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ㄓㄠ ˇ



找 is a 7 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as zhǎo in the third tone.

It is made up of the components (hand) and (halberd).

  • ㄓㄠ ˇ



    • ㄕㄡ ˙



    • ㄍㄜ


9 stories have been written about this character — see all
User Thumbnail

A hand is always looking to find an ax.
by tshaver64

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People used to use an ax and their hand to find food
by asala2018

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You can find the halberd in his hand.
by dcloobeck

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He was looking for the halberd but it was in his hand
by dosemobor915

User Thumbnail

in order for a battle to be sucessful you must lend a hand and help find weapons
by eastlyn

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We found 1 pronunciation for 找

Definitions for 找 pronounced as zhǎo

  • to try to find
  • to look for
  • to call on sb
  • to find
  • to seek
  • to return
  • to give change


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