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Found 8 stories for 星
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The sun which gives us life is a star.
by johan

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when the sun birth, it is called a star
by batman

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After hu[shing] the students *across* the auditorium, the astronomer explained, "Our SUN, a <star>, was BIRTHed 4 1/2 billion years ago."
by vms5q

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Sun birth star.
by PoeOu

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Your BIRTH and the birth of the SUN were both as a star.
by Jia

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Ngôi sao có thể tự phát sáng như mặt trời và cũng là một sự sống.
by huiheruan

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sun life is a star life (xing)
by thuthuy

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the sun is also a star.
by CLTCEmma

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After hu[shing] the students *across* the auditorium, the astronomer explained, "Our SUN, a <star>, was BIRTHed 4 1/2 billion years ago."
by vms5q

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Sun birth star.
by PoeOu

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Your BIRTH and the birth of the SUN were both as a star.
by Jia

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Ngôi sao có thể tự phát sáng như mặt trời và cũng là một sự sống.
by huiheruan

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sun life is a star life (xing)
by thuthuy

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when the sun birth, it is called a star
by batman

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the sun is also a star.
by CLTCEmma

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The sun which gives us life is a star.
by johan