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Found 7 stories for 果
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There is a fruit tree in a field
by dosemobor915

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fruits come from trees in a field...
by ljohnson48

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In the valley, there's a field of trees that grow [gua]va fruit.
by vms5q

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Mảnh đất trồng cây sẽ cho ra quả.
by detuchantu

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The guo fruit comes from a tree in a field
by poptart

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A tree in a field gives you fruit
by nbreck

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A field of trees gives you fruits as a result.
by ana_hache

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In the valley, there's a field of trees that grow [gua]va fruit.
by vms5q

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Mảnh đất trồng cây sẽ cho ra quả.
by detuchantu

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The guo fruit comes from a tree in a field
by poptart

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There is a fruit tree in a field
by dosemobor915

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fruits come from trees in a field...
by ljohnson48

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A tree in a field gives you fruit
by nbreck

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A field of trees gives you fruits as a result.
by ana_hache