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ㄧㄥ ˊ



赢 is a 17 stroke, simplified Chinese character and is pronounced as yíng in the second tone.

In traditional Chinese the character is used.

It is made up of the components 𣎆 (short haired animals) and (sea shell).

  • ㄧㄥ ˊ



    • 𣎆

      short haired animals

    • ㄅㄟ ˋ


      sea shell

3 stories have been written about this character — see all
User Thumbnail

To win (赢) maybe died亡 if mouth口speak out secret; to win must practice month by month月and need money (old meaning)贝. After all, win just be ordinary 凡
by milkyway2306

RU Flag User Thumbnail

Happy birthday @milkyway2306
by Alex

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For vaulting over the block, I win first place. (Top: person vaulting over block. Bottom: People standing with their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place awards.)
by vms5q

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We found 1 pronunciation for 赢

Definitions for 赢 pronounced as yíng

  • to beat
  • to win
  • to profit


The most common words for 赢 — see all

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Collections which contain 赢 — see all

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Melnyk Lesson 22

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by Algoris 44 characters


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