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跟 is a 13 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as gēn in the first tone.

It is made up of the components (foot) and (limit).

  • ㄍㄣ



    • foot

    • ㄍㄣ ˇ



4 stories have been written about this character — see all
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with my heel and foot followed, there is a limit it can or will reach
by Ishimaru-san

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The foot follows closely with the heel within a respectable limit.
by nicelaoshi

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If my foot is the limit between us, then I’m really standing with someone.
by crystalusagi

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After walking <with> the Eskimo *across* the ICE, my FEET and NOSE feel cold, and I realize what a bi[g un]dertaking this is.
by vms5q

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We found 1 pronunciation for 跟

Definitions for 跟 pronounced as gēn

  • heel
  • to follow closely
  • to go with
  • (of a woman) to marry sb
  • with
  • compared with
  • to
  • towards
  • and (joining two nouns)


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