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ㄧㄝ ˋ


頁 is a 9 stroke, traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the fourth tone.

In simplified Chinese the character is used.

It is made up of the components (one of the characters used in kwukyel , an ancient Korean writing system) and (sea shell).

  • ㄧㄝ ˋ


    • ㄏㄢ ˇ


      one of the characters used in kwukyel , an ancient Korean writing system

    • ㄅㄟ ˋ


      sea shell

1 story has been written about this character — see all
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Megan's sister, having no <page> on which to write, uses about a HUNDRED SEASHELLs. "[Yeah], that works!" she says.
by vms5q

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We found 1 pronunciation for 頁

Definitions for 頁 pronounced as yè

  • page
  • leaf


The most common words for 頁 — see all

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Collections which contain 頁 — see all

My Words

by Nanshen 621 characters


by Scareb0t 214 characters


by Confucius 295 characters

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