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Popping since 4 years ago

Showing 25 – 36 of 67 stories next page

茶 tea

an (Eng)lish person (d)(rank) some tea made of (grass) in Korea. - think 朩 is kwukyel/ hanja? tea in korean is also 'cha' for cao: sows eat grass
by Casper07x

乙 second

It looks like a number 2. If you take the third tone and minus yī (one) which looks like the first tone, you must get the second.
by Casper07x

很 very

A hěn is very much the same as a chìgěn. If something is very heavy, it is one step away from the weight limit.
by Casper07x

見 meet

Theolojiàns say that when a mùthér gives birth to hér son, she cannot wait to see him with her own eyes. She will be meeting him for the first time.
by Casper07x