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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1093 – 1104 of 1182 stories next page

晚 night

My son [wan]ted to commit the crime at night rather than during the day, thinking he'd be exempt from getting caught and punished.
by vms5q

免 exempt

For holding someone at knifepoint in the middle of the night, he must be punished. [Me 'n] my son are close, but he is not exempt from this valley.
by vms5q

鑰 key

[Yow]za, that music's beautiful, I think. With a key, I open my safe and take out money to put down for my very own flute.
by vms5q

龠 flute

The three musicians gather and put mouths to flutes. Have you ever traveled down south to hear them? (The bottom part resembles a pan flute.)
by vms5q

懂 understand

I understand and love this director's heavy films with all my heart an[d own, g]osh, all of them. All are set in the same grassy valley.
by vms5q

匈 breast

The fierce Hungarian woman lays cabbage rolls on the rusty pan. Why doesn't she own good pans? (匈 = Hungarian / Hun).
by vms5q