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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1105 – 1116 of 1182 stories next page

子 son

Feeling very hungry, Astri[d’s i]ndigent son reached for another footlong sub after finishing 了 one 一.
by vms5q

字 character

My son 子 is content to hunker down under our roof 宀 and practice writing Chinese characters.The ki[d’s i]ndustrious.
by vms5q

快 quick

Don’t thin[k why] or how. When you see a boar, be quick and decisive 夬. Spear the heart 忄 to take it [down].
by vms5q

歹 death

At dusk, one bat flies down from its perch and then up into the sky. Some people believe seeing a bat is BAD luck, that someone will [die].
by vms5q

圣 holy

Many believe this person will again walk the earth someday. Someone wrote it down in one of their holy books. This revela[tion g]ives me pause.
by vms5q

恨 hate

Over the course of a day, a [hun]dred kids press their noses to the ice cream display glass. Each time, my heart sinks. I hate it! (heart, nose, ice)
by vms5q