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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 1153 – 1164 of 1182 stories next page

耳 ear

The two 二 - line 丨 cuff for my right ear and two 二 - line 丨 cuff for my left… are here when I lie down to sleep but gone when I get up – theft!
by vms5q

时 time

The shadow inches 寸 forward on the sun 日 dial, showing the slow passage of __. No amount of preSSURE can speed it UP.
by vms5q

亠 lid

I already TOld you, the lid of the butter dish has one 一 dot 丶 for a handle. It is UP on the top shelf of the refrigerator door.
by vms5q

扌 hand

He threw two 二 quick hooks ㇚ into the air with his clenched __, UP, DOWN, UP. “I’ll SHOW them!” he thought!
by vms5q

愛 love

Simba covered 冖 his heart 心 with his claw 爪 and pledged to march 夂 back to his pride, whom he loved.
by vms5q