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ㄋㄚ ˊ


拿 is a 10 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the second tone.

In traditional Chinese the characters or may be used instead.

It is made up of the components (join) and (hand).

  • ㄋㄚ ˊ


    • ㄏㄜ ˊ


    • ㄕㄡ ˇ



5 stories have been written about this character — see all
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if you join your hand with an object, you can take or hold that object
by wenhailin

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A slave hand adds opening power for one big person to join hands and take all, bring back our land of the free Canadians! (story ref 加拿大, 拏)
by talk2dream

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nã?! Hợp hai tay lại để lấy một thứ
by acvt_007

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hold my hand
by 你好

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I JOIN the band *up* on stage and <TAKE HOLD> of my saxophone in my HANDs. [No]t that the sloppy drunken crowd noticed.
by vms5q

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We found 1 pronunciation for 拿

Definitions for 拿 pronounced as ná

  • to hold
  • to seize
  • to catch
  • to apprehend
  • to take
  • (used in the same way as 把[ba3]: to mark the following noun as a direct object)
  • old variant of 拿[na2]
  • variant of 拿[na2]


The most common words for 拿 — see all

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Collections which contain 拿 — see all

Book 2 part 1

by Junon 168 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters

100 Verbs

by Joeyjoefro 103 characters

Characters 201-400

by Joeyjoefro 200 characters

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