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踢 is a 15 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the first tone.

It is made up of the components (foot) and (easy).

  • ㄊㄧ


    • foot

    • ˋ


6 stories have been written about this character — see all
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It's easy to kick with your foot.
by CLTCGizelleTaylor

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It is easy to kick dead humans with your foot
by cltcaliciaisfab

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its easy to kick with your foot
by CLTCbryan

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I kick with my foot at an easy target
by OktayDenizz

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to kick someome you need your foot but take it easy underthe sun
by shahabshahab

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We found 1 pronunciation for 踢

Definitions for 踢 pronounced as tī

  • to kick
  • to play (e.g. soccer)


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