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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 25 – 36 of 1182 stories next page

予 bestow

Anne loves the genie who <bestow>s Aladdin with three wishes and sings [You] ain't never had a friend like me." (Triangular head, two arms, a tail.)
by vms5q

綜 sump up

"To <SUM UP>, SILK is used across all RELIGIONs," Laura said. The ki[d's own g]odparents couldn't believe her vast knowledge.
by vms5q

觸 touch

Megan's Halloween decorations include a spider. She <touch>es her web. Her ANGLEd EYEs spy an INSECT. She WRAPs it in silk to [chew] on later.
by vms5q

且 moreover

"The full MOON makes ea[ch ye]llow bird agitated. <moreover> they sometimes get hurt. Release every last ONE <FOR THE TIME BEING>." says Anne.
by vms5q

爭 contend

While Julia <STRIVE>s to paint with her BRUSH, she has to <contend> with and do[dge ung]ainly swipes of Connor's CLAWs.
by vms5q

交 intersect

"SIX people GOVERNing <intersect> too much. This state[gy ou]tright fails. <HAND OVER> power to one official," says Laura.
by vms5q