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Popping since 3 years ago

Showing 37 – 48 of 1182 stories next page

留 stay

Charlie <LEAVE>s the FIELD, but his KNIFE <REMAIN>s. I PRIVATE[ly o]wn and <PRESERVE> it the remainder of my days.
by vms5q

臺 Taiwan

Charlie stands on the <[TAI]>bei station's COVERed platform UNTIL the train arrives. It's on time. "My LUCKY day!" he says.
by vms5q

望 expect

"The KING fears he'll be DECEASED soon, s[o on g]ood days, he <GAZE>s at the <FULL MOON>, <HOPE>ing to see the next," John explains.
by vms5q

立 stand

"Brave[ly] take a <stand>! These evil ideas are like WEEDS! Stamp them *down*! We must put a LID on them!" cries Megan.
by vms5q

設 set up

Megan <SETs UP> the WORDS of the Fencing School logo in the shape of a LANCE. We tell her we like it, and she says, "Aw, [shu]cks!"
by vms5q

證 prove

As Megan ASCENDs to the stand, she must we[dge ung]ainly petticoats in. Will her WORDs <prove> she's not a witch?
by vms5q