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望 is an 11 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as wàng in the fourth tone.
In traditional Chinese the character 朢 may be used.
It is made up of the components 肓 (region between heart and diaphragm) and 王 (king).
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We found 1 pronunciation for 望
Definitions for 望 pronounced as wàng
- full moon
- to hope
- to expect
- to visit
- to gaze (into the distance)
- to look towards
- towards
- 15th day of month (lunar calendar)
- old variant of 望[wang4]
The most common words for 望 — see all
- to wish for
- to desire
- hope
- CL:個|个[ge4]
- desire
- wish
- disappointed
- to lose hope
- to despair
Collections which contain 望 — see all
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