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关 is a 6 stroke, simplified Chinese character and is pronounced as guān in the first tone.

In traditional Chinese the character is used.

It is made up of the components (eight) and (sky).

  • ㄍㄨㄢ



    • ㄅㄚ


    • ㄊㄧㄢ



8 stories have been written about this character — see all
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The sky will close in eight days.
by nchundley0309

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When There are Eight Skies They close
by DarudeSandstrom

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The sky store will close in 8 days.
by cbgreeff0513

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In eight days, there would be a relationship
by Yolo360SwagScope_420Blazin

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Ở với nhau tám ngày thì sẽ có một mối quan hệ
by acvt_007

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We found 1 pronunciation for 关

Definitions for 关 pronounced as guān

  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


The most common words for 关 — see all

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Collections which contain 关 — see all

HSK1 part 1

by monicadepaul 162 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters


by Joeyjoefro 68 characters

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Random 1

by Joeyjoefro 179 characters

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