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期 is a 12 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as in the first tone, however it can also be pronounced as .

In traditional Chinese the character may be used.

It is made up of the components (that) and (moon).

  • ㄑㄧ


    • ㄑㄧ ˊ


    • ㄩㄝ ˋ



4 stories have been written about this character — see all
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in period (qi) you can see that (qi) moon (yue)
by thuthuy

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You can only see that moon for a limited term; next month's moon will be completely new.
by Sanne-san

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THAT MONTH-long <term>, Laura studied Tai [chi].
by vms5q

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"其 (that) and 月 (moon) Trăng (月) rằm kỳ hạn (期) đến, bát cơm luôn đầy, hi vọng (其) mãi bền, không bao giờ thay đổi"
by lkhalliera

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We found 2 pronunciations for 期

Definitions for 期 pronounced as qī

  • a period of time
  • phase
  • stage
  • classifier for issues of a periodical, courses of study
  • time
  • term
  • period
  • to hope
  • Taiwan pr. [qi2]
  • variant of 期[qi1]
  • period
  • cycle

Definitions for 期 pronounced as qí


The most common words for 期 — see all

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Collections which contain 期 — see all

HSK1 part 1

by monicadepaul 162 characters

Book 2 part 1

by Junon 168 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters

First 200

by Joeyjoefro 200 characters

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