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ㄋㄥ ˊ


able to

能 is a 10 stroke, simplified and traditional Chinese character and is pronounced as néng in the second tone.

  • ㄋㄥ ˊ


    able to

    • ㄩㄢ ˋ


      • private

      • meat

    • ?

      • ㄅㄧ ˇ


5 stories have been written about this character — see all
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able to fly to the moon in private using the two spoons - rockets
by langquang

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Neng was able to spoon under a private moon
by poptart

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private spoons are capable of digging into flesh.
by cbgreeff0513

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Spoons were once used to eat in private.
by cdavis1021

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Two spoon can able to cut the meat in private restaurant
by Ravikanth77

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We found 1 pronunciation for 能

Definitions for 能 pronounced as néng

  • surname Neng
  • can
  • to be able to
  • might possibly
  • ability
  • (physics) energy


The most common words for 能 — see all

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Collections which contain 能 — see all

HSK1 part 1

by monicadepaul 162 characters

1-100 frequent characters

by Inkyll 34 characters

Book 2 part 1

by Junon 168 characters

Genshin Impact Act 1 Vocabulary

by Poluo 748 characters

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